Galway ETSS

Success In Action

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Success In Action - How do we know it's working?

Through our School Self Evaluation process, data illustrates that student engagement is heightened and enhanced by the use of iPads. Our students, teachers, parents and guardians have verified their satisfaction through the channels of focus groups and surveys and they can explicitly identify how the iPads help students directly manage themselves and their learning. The data also speaks clearly in terms of the ease of use, the ability to easily cater for the needs of all students, the robustness of the iPads as well as the endless opportunities for creative engagement.

Student Survey Data on using Technology for Learning

Some feedback from a recent survey on teaching and learning where students reflected on why they like using iPads to learn.

Teacher Survey Data on iPads

Teacher feedback on why they love using iPads for teaching and learning.

GETSS Student Speaks about her experience of Learning in GETSS

One of our students explains why she feels empowered as a learner in our school. She also talks about her experience of remote learning during lock down and then returning to school.

Parent Perspective on Learning in GETSS

A parent explains what she likes about our school including the fact that it is student centred allowing the young people to learn in a way that suits them.

Feb 11
Senior Subject Fair/Careers Evening
Feb 26
2nd Year PTSM
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We had the first meeting of our parent community this week. Lots of great ideas were shared.
As part of science week we are hosting numerous in school activities for all our students aswell as workshops off campus
Galway Educate Together Secondary School,
H91 DP11

091 394262

© 2025 Galway ETSS