Teaching and SNA/SSA vacancies for the 2024-2025 academic year will be posted on educationposts.ie
We have vacancies in many subject areas.
Queries to: recruitment@galwayetss.ie
Online application form available HERE
We are also looking for a School Caretaker.
Please email admin@galwayetss for more details or send CV if you wish to apply.
Working in GETSS:
Galway Educate Together Secondary School is a developing voluntary secondary school which opened in August 2019. Currently we have students in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year, TY and 5th Year classes. Will will have our first full complement of students from 1st Year to Leaving Cert in 2024-2025.
In our school, everyone is addressed by their first name, there is no school uniform and we promote inclusivity, innovation and restorative practice. We encourage CPD and support teachers to lead projects they are passionate about. As a growing school, there are an unusually high number of opportunities to lead learning and to help to develop school culture.
In Galway ETSS we encourage a cross-curricular approach where team-teaching, peer observation and collaboration are an integral part of our culture. Our classes are mixed ability, with students very much at the centre of the learning. Our students and teachers use iPads and a virtual learning environment – Office 365, to enhance learning.
We are committed to high standards and expectations in terms of our learning and teaching. As an Educate Together Secondary School we are guided by the Educate Together Blueprint for Second Level Schools
A new site has been identified for our permanent school. This is in Garraun on the Oranmore Coast Road. We will remain in our temporary accommodation in the city centre for the 2024-2025 school year.