Flexibility and Inclusion
Flexibility and Inclusion – The iPads support our Universal Design for Learning approach. The UDL framework recognises that all students are unique individuals that learn in different ways and it guides us to provide a more flexible, inclusive approach to learning and assessment to cater for this diversity. Having one to one devices gives endless possibilities in the three areas of the UDL approach – Representation, Expression and Engagement.
Click the links below to see how learning is Flexible and Inclusive in Galway ETSS
Flexible and Inclusive Learning in MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)
See how using iPads makes learning flexible and engaging, allowing students to make decisions about their own learning and to break free from the classroom and learn anywhere.... including at the beach!
Home Economics Cooker Demo from Remote Learning
Watch how one of our teachers found a solution to continuing on with Cookery demos and lessons during lock down. Problem solving at its best!
A Teacher's Experience of Teaching and Learning Remotely at Galway ETSS
Learn about how we successfully managed to continue to deliver effective teaching and learning when schools were closed because of lock down.
Using the Apple Pencil
See how we use Apple Pencils to make teaching and learning more effective and efficient.