Galway ETSS

Parents' and Guardians' Community

Parents' and Guardians' Community

Welcome to our Parents' and Guardians' Community page.

PGC Committee Meeting Synopsis 2021

PGCC Online Meet Up Tues 16 Nov 2021

PGC Committee Holiday Message to Parents 2020 click HERE

To access our Constitution please click here

Please email us if you have any suggestions or queries or we can help you at

PGC update, October 2020.

Click here for our update

End of Year message from Kim, chairperson of Galway ETSS PGC, June 2020.

Dear Galway Educate Together Secondary School Community,

Well, this will certainly be one for the books!! Or Social Media Files!!

I reflected on my year as Chairperson of the PGCC, and I can say without doubt, that it has been my pleasure to work with five incredible, committed and ethically conscious parents on this Committee – I may even say that they are “WOKE”. I believe I speak on behalf of all the Committee members, when I say that, that it has been a superb year and we wish to acknowledge the support and encouragement that we have received and give our heartfelt thanks to the members of the Board of Management, the teachers, and management staff of the school, the parents, guardians and students that form part of this community.

We have all faced some very unusual circumstances in the last 3 months, and I for one, believe that these experiences have altered us all in some way. There is a strong spirit and sense of community around us, one we can foster and cultivate over the next couple of years as we walk alongside one another, perhaps even as we fall behind somewhat, to draw perspective as our children mature into young adults.

The weeks of reflection have left me with a sense of fulfillment, pride and passion, not what I expected to feel while traversing through a pandemic. This has clearly come from being part of a community where it is not a sign of weakness to be people who need people (Credit to Barbara Streisand), as well as people who can enjoy our own space, people who are responsible and respectful of Law, life and future generations . We talk of finding the balance, and I cannot help but feel that we seem to have been given the opportunity to carve a path that leads to a more content, fulfilled and balanced life for us all.

I thank everyone for their contributions to the colourful tapestry that is our reality. May you go with peace and strength and continued health until we meet again.

Sincerely Kim Cunningham-Moorat


Parents’ & Guardians’ Community Committee

Galway Educate Together Secondary School

parents community.jpg

Jan 21
5th Year PTSM
Jan 27
LC Mock Exams
Jan 31
JC Mock Exams
Feb 04
TY Community Placement
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We had the first meeting of our parent community this week. Lots of great ideas were shared.
As part of science week we are hosting numerous in school activities for all our students aswell as workshops off campus
Galway Educate Together Secondary School,
H91 DP11

091 394262

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