The Irish Education System
The Irish education system is structured into several key stages:

- Pre-school Education: This is not mandatory but is available through the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme, which provides free early childhood care and education for children of pre-school age1.
- Primary Education: Children typically start primary school at age 5 or 6. The curriculum is child-centered and includes subjects like Irish, English, Mathematics, and Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)1.
- Post-primary Education: This stage is divided into two cycles:
- Junior Cycle: Lasts for three years, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year, starting at age 12 approximately. It culminates in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) examination the end of 3rd Year .
- Senior Cycle: Lasts for two or three years, depending on whether students take an optional Transition Year (after 3rd Year). The Senior Cycle ends with the Leaving Certificate examinations, which are crucial for university admission1.
- Further and Higher Education: After completing secondary education, students can opt for further education courses or higher education at universities, institutes of technology, and colleges or they can apply for an apprenticeship in a trade such as carpentry or plumbing. The Leaving Certificate results are typically used for admission to these institutions but there are also other routes of access which can be discussed with the Guidance Counsellor in our school.
Education is compulsory for children from ages 6 to 16 or until they have completed three years of post-primary education1.
For more detailed information:
Common Acronyms used in the Irish Education System are:
JC – Junior Cycle
JCT – Junior Cycle for Teachers
JCPA - Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement
CBA - Classroom Based Assessments
TY – Transition Year
LC – Leaving Certificate
LCE – Leaving Certificate Established
LCVP – Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
LCA – Leaving Certificate Applied
JC – Junior Certificate
JCT – Junior Cycle for Teachers
TY – Transition Year
LC – Leaving Certificate
LCE – Leaving Certificate Established
LCVP – Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
LCA – Leaving Certificate Applied
SEC – State Examinations Commission
DES – Department of Education and Skills
CAO – Central Applications Office
PLC – Post Leaving Certificate
SPHE – Social, Personal and Health Education
CSPE – Civic, Social and Political Education
SEC – State Examinations Commission
DES – Department of Education and Skills
CAO – Central Applications Office
QQI - Quality and Qualifications Ireland
PLC – Post Leaving Certificate
SPHE – Social, Personal and Health Education
RSE - Relationships and Sexuality Education
CSPE – Civic, Social and Political Education
BoM - Board of Management
EAL - English as a Foreign Language
LGBTQI+ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex +
DLP - Designated Liaison Person (for Child Protection concerns)
DDLP - Deputy Designated Liaison Person
SEN - Special Educational Needs
AEN - Additional Educational Needs