Learning in Galway ETSS

As an Educate Together Secondary School, we are co-educational, equality-based, democratic and student-centred. We are passionate about the education of our young people to ensure that they have the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to ensure their development as critical thinkers, problem solvers, effective communicators, creators and innovators.

In time, consideration will be given to offering Senior Cycle students the Transition Year programme and the three forms of Leaving Certificate Programmes: Leaving Certificate (established), Leaving Certificate Vocational and Leaving Certificate Applied.

*Eight principles underpin the Framework for Junior Cycle. These principles will inform the planning for as well as the development and the implementation of the junior cycle programme in our school.

Learning to Learn

High quality curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning supports students in developing greater independence in learning and in meeting the challenges of life beyond school, of further education, and of working life. In Galway ETSS we will be assessing not only what students learn but how they learn.

What Learning Looks Like in GETSS

Universal Design for Learning

UDL is an approach that builds flexibility into the design of a lesson to allow all students to access the material, engage with the learning and showcase what they have learned

When designing tasks we offer choice and flexibility in the format that students can present their learning in for example voice recording, hand written work, a performance or a piece of typed work.

This allows students to demonstrate their learning in a way that rewards their strengths.

This approach is very much supported by the new junior cycle and also activates our student voice – something we really value. It puts student at the centre of the learning.

Choice and Flexibility

GETSS’s junior cycle programme will be broad enough to offer a wide range of learning experiences to all, and flexible enough to offer choice to meet the needs of students.


All students will experience a high-quality education, characterised by high expectations of learners and the pursuit of excellence.

Creativity and innovation

We will provide opportunities for students to be creative and innovative.

Engagement and participation

The experience of curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning will encourage participation, generate engagement and enthusiasm, and connect with life outside the school.

Continuity and development

Curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning will enable students to build on their learning to date, recognise their progress in learning and support their future learning.

Inclusive education

The educational experience will be inclusive of all students and contribute to equality of opportunity, participation and outcomes for all.


The student experience will contribute directly to their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing and resilience. Learning will take place in a climate focused on collective wellbeing of school, community and society.

More information can be found at the downloadable links below:
*Adapted from the NCCA 8 Principles from Framework for Junior Cycle.

Technology for Learning

Galway Educate Together Secondary School has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022–2025 for its innovative use of iPads to promote a 21st century culture of learning firmly underpinned by the activation of student voice.
Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of innovation, leadership, and educational excellence. They use Apple technology to inspire creativity, collaboration and critical thinking in learning, teaching and the school environment, and have documented results of academic accomplishment.

Click here to learn more about why Galway ETSS has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School

Collaboration at Galway ETSS– iPads enable our school community to work together purposefully and effectively in an efficient manner which allows us to feel supported and nurtured in our learning journey. Listen to our students explain how student voice is activated through Project Based Learning (PBL).

Click on the links below to see Collaboration in action in Galway ETSS.

Students Collaborating in Artistic Performance

See our students developing their skills of collaboration through the creative use of the camera and photographs.

Staff Collaboration at Galway ETSS

Our teachers explain how they work together to share and develop good practice in order to improve learner outcomes.

Inhouse CPD on use of Apple Pages

One example of how our staff teach each other and then share the practice school wide.

Students collaborating and creating in Gaeilge

Learning can happen anywhere! Flexibility, ease of use and the robustness of the iPads can be seen here as the students collaborate and create as Gaeilge out in the school yard.

Creativity – iPads open up the learning so that students can express themselves in a variety of different ways that are unique to their own creative flair whilst supporting innovation and exploration.

Click on the links below to learn about Creativity in Galway ETSS.

Creativity in Music

Learn how our students create and experiment with music, sound, notation, and found sounds using Garage Band and Flat.

Student Voice on Creativity and Coding

One of our students explains about how he uses his iPad to make a game in his short course – Coding.

Creativity with Apple Pages

One of our teachers shows us inside her classroom where she is using Apple Pages to encourage the students to be creative in how they compile and present their work.

Creativity in Science

Learning comes to life as our students use Virtual Reality to learn in Science Class.

Creativity in Business

See how Flip a Clip can be used to increase engagement and reinforce student learning and creativity.

Creativity and Peer Feedback in Home Economics

Watch our students experiment with interior design and then give each other feedback on their work.

Supporting Critical Thinking through Feedback – The iPads allow us to experience structured interactions through a variety of mediums that empower students to understand and take responsibility for their own learning by identifying their strengths and their areas for improvement.

Click the links below to learn about how Galway ETSS support Critical Thinking through Feedback

Effective Feedback and Student responses

Our teachers and students talk about effective feedback strategies that we use to help our students to recognise what they have done well and how they can improve. Student voice is activated here, feedback is given in different ways using voice notes or camera and they have choice in terms how to respond.

Student Peer Feedback in PE

Students demonstrate and analyse their volleyball skills in order to improve. They are also learning the skill of peer assessment and the language around this.

Supporting Critical Thinking in Art

How our Art teacher has developed a template to help and scaffold students so that they learn how to critically reflect on their work in order to be able to improve it.

In Galway Educate Together Secondary School, Ethical Education is taught as a separate subject. All students will participate in Ethical Education.

Ethical Education involves exploring different worldviews and beliefs, considering ethical dilemmas and the process of ethical decision making. Ethical Education invites students and teachers to engage with issues and problems facing society and aims to develop the skills of critical thinking, discussion and debate.

In Ethical Education students will explore the following areas: Values; Making Moral and Ethical Decisions; Beliefs and Worldviews; Different Teachings and Perspectives; Diversity in Ireland, Migration; Power and Participation; Gender Equality; Global Citizenship Education
Worldwise Global Schools.

Galway Educate Together Secondary School will be active participants in the Worldwise Global Schools initiative. For further information please see www.worldwiseschools.ie
We are very proud that we have already been awarded the Diplomatic Passport for our work on Global Citizenship Education.

Flexibility and Inclusion – The iPads support our Universal Design for Learning approach. The UDL framework recognises that all students are unique individuals that learn in different ways and it guides us to provide a more flexible, inclusive approach to learning and assessment to cater for this diversity. Having one to one devices gives endless possibilities in the three areas of the UDL approach – Representation, Expression and Engagement.

Click the links below to see how learning is Flexible and Inclusive in Galway ETSS

Flexible and Inclusive Learning in MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)

See how using iPads makes learning flexible and engaging, allowing students to make decisions about their own learning and to break free from the classroom and learn anywhere…. including at the beach!

Home Economics Cooker Demo from Remote Learning

Watch how one of our teachers found a solution to continuing on with Cookery demos and lessons during lock down. Problem solving at its best!

A Teacher’s Experience of Teaching and Learning Remotely at Galway ETSS

Learn about how we successfully managed to continue to deliver effective teaching and learning when schools were closed because of lock down.

Using the Apple Pencil

See how we use Apple Pencils to make teaching and learning more effective and efficient.

Success In Action – How do we know it’s working?
Through our School Self Evaluation process, data illustrates that student engagement is heightened and enhanced by the use of iPads. Our students, teachers, parents and guardians have verified their satisfaction through the channels of focus groups and surveys and they can explicitly identify how the iPads help students directly manage themselves and their learning. The data also speaks clearly in terms of the ease of use, the ability to easily cater for the needs of all students, the robustness of the iPads as well as the endless opportunities for creative engagement.

Student Survey Data on using Technology for Learning

Some feedback from a recent survey on teaching and learning where students reflected on why they like using iPads to learn.

Teacher Survey Data on iPads

Teacher feedback on why they love using iPads for teaching and learning.

GETSS Student Speaks about her experience of Learning in GETSS

One of our students explains why she feels empowered as a learner in our school. She also talks about her experience of remote learning during lock down and then returning to school.

Parent Perspective on Learning in GETSS

A parent explains what she likes about our school including the fact that it is student centred allowing the young people to learn in a way that suits them.

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